What are Natural Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain?
I wanted to share with you some of my favorite natural remedies for arthritis joint pain, especially since finding natural ways to cope with your disease PUTS YOU IN CONTROL.
This is in contrast to seeking help from the medical community, that does not and never will care as much about your well-being as you do, and that is quick to put on a band-aid to address the symptoms of your diagnosed disease or syndrome (a.k.a. “I am clueless.”), rather than the underlying causes.
How to Find Relief from Arthritis Joint Pain
As a trained massage therapist, massage has to be at the top of my favorites list followed closely by exercise (former personal trainer here). And, as a former competitive bodybuilder (where 80% of success stems from your diet), healthy eating and diet modification round out my top three! ?
1. Epsom Salt Soak
2. Hot and Cold Packs
3. Getting Enough Movement & Exercise
4. If Appropriate, Weight Loss
5. Diet Modifications
6. Collagen & Other Helpful Supplements
Click the banner to receive your free download! ⤴
9 Ways to Get Relief from Arthritis Pain Naturally
Arthritis is a group of conditions marked by inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness and pain. It’s usually treated with anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers, but some of these drugs can lead to side effects. Here are nine natural alternatives to relieve arthritis pain, plus why they may work.
1. Lose weight
2. Get more exercise
3. Use hot and cold therapy
4. Try acupuncture
5. Use meditation to cope with pain
6. Include the right fatty acids in your diet
7. Add turmeric to dishes
8. Get a massage
9. Consider herbal supplements
1. Ice therapy (cryotherapy)
2. Hydrotherapy
3. Massage
4. Medications
5. Natural mixtures
6. Exercise
7. Physical therapy
8. Alternative medical treatments
9. Immobilize the area
10. Rest
Pick One Way to Find Relief Now
Look at the three lists of options above and pick one right now that you will try. If it makes you feel better and seems to relieve your pain, incorporate it as a go-to natural remedy whenever you need it.
Hot and cold therapy, meditation, and adding turmeric to your diet are simple solutions to start with. (Feel free to pick the one that resonates with you most!)
A Simple Way to Incorporate Turmeric
I found this simple recipe that gives you a no-fuzz way to consume more turmeric without having to turn into a chef or slave for hours in the kitchen. Plus, it goes well with the natural remedy of “rest,” don’t you think? ?
Turmeric Tea Recipe — www.meghantelpner.com
A potent and warming anti-inflammatory drink, discover how simple and delicious turmeric tea is, and learn about it’s potent healing properties.
Leveraging her 40+ years in health & fitness as well as the latest biohacking and longevity breakthroughs, Peak Performance Coach, Biggi Fraley, helps you remain healthy, fit, and active so that you can age gracefully, stay independent, and embark on exciting new chapters in life.