Stress & Arthritis – Finding Stillness Every Day

Stress & Arthritis – Finding Stillness Every Day


Does Stress Affect Arthritis Symptoms?

Stress has been closely linked to arthritis, and many other medical conditions. Identifying your stress triggers, and managing your stress on a daily basis is a fundamental step in reversing your arthritis.
To be honest, another reason I am revisiting the subject of stress management is that it is what I need most right now. Maybe you do too?
At this moment in my life, I am feeling overwhelmed from the time I get up in the morning, until the time I go to bed. Every day! Do you know what I am talking about? Yes? Then you must read on and take action! ?

Find Stillness Every Day

The Relationship Between Stress and Arthritis

Symptoms of Stress Induced Arthritis and How to Treat it | Arthritis
Stress, something you just cannot avoid, is associated with a large number of medical conditions and acts as a risk factor for most of them. Arthritis is one of the medical conditions that are closely linked to stress. A large number of people suffering from arthritis connect the development of the condition to a stressful phase in their life.

Stress, Anxiety and Arthritis — Living With Arthritis
The pressure of coping with arthritis can really ratchet up your stress and anxiety – a condition that affects as many as 1 in 3 people with arthritis. And that, in turn, can worsen the symptoms of chronic diseases and contribute to a host of other problems.

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The Effect of Stress on Arthritis — 
Stressful situations can have a significant impact on your arthritis. Learn how to reduce stress when possible. There is no avoiding stress completely. It is a part of everyday life. Just when you think it is gone, it is back again. It is the way the mind and body react to tension and pressure. Too much stress can increase pain, can make a person prone to illnesses, and can make it more difficult for people with arthritis to cope with the added burdens imposed by their disease.

Pick One Way to Conquer Stress Today!

As you know by now, stress is wreaking havoc on your health and sanity. You must develop healthy habits and daily practices to deal with it, or it might kill you!

Here are 5 essential, and 5 optional practices. Start today!

10 Ways to De-stress Your Mind and Body

Identify Your Stress Triggers
Get Some Exercise
Find Stillness Every Day
Eat Well
Sleep to Combat Stress
Hit the Road
Create a Gratitude Practice
Create Cushions in Your Calendar
Say Cheese
Stop Should-ing Yourself

Still Your Sweet Cravings Without the Guilt!

Getting a little tired of almond butter, I have been looking for organic fruit spreads with no or minimal sugar added to satisfy my sweet tooth. I found some good organic, non-GMO spreads by Crofter’s, and especially enjoy the wild blueberry one! ?

I am so excited about this recipe I found, that will allow me to make my own fruit jam without any cooking or added sugar! It’s so easy to make and only has 5 ingredients.

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For the Easiest Fruit Jam, Skip the Stove and the Sugar —
Not that I have anything against sugar or cooking. But sometimes you need a break. Maybe you want something sweet, just not too sweet. Maybe it’s 114 degrees outside (or feels like it, what’s the difference) and you refuse to turn on your oven and stove. We’ve all been there…

10 Stress-Relief Techniques for Your Mind and Body

Did you skip your action list above? ? We all have different learning styles. Maybe this video will inspire you to take action now. Enjoy!


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I would love it if you could share some of your stress triggers and ways you have found helpful in dealing with stress in the comments below! ?

About the Author

Leveraging her 40+ years in health & fitness as well as the latest biohacking and longevity breakthroughs, Peak Performance Coach, Biggi Fraley, helps you remain healthy, fit, and active so that you can age gracefully, stay independent, and embark on exciting new chapters in life.