About Biggi Fraley | Peak Performance Coach

About Biggi Fraley

Meet Biggi Fraley

“Welcome to the intersection of health, vitality, and happiness for women over 50. I’m Biggi Fraley, a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Nutrition Therapist, and Peak Performance Coach; I’m eager to guide you on a journey toward a more vibrant, joyful future.

I’m not just an advisor – I’m a woman over 50 too, passionate about creating a fit, bright, and fulfilling tomorrow for all of us. With the benefit of personal experience, professional expertise, and a lifelong commitment to health and fitness, I offer real, actionable, and affordable ways to boost your health, magnify your performance, and smooth the journey towards joyful, independent golden years.

Think of this as your personal roadmap to a long, healthy, and happy future!”

Biggi Fraley profile pic

Expertise and Credentials

“With 32 years of experience in the health and wellness field, I am equipped not only by an extensive span of time but also by an array of practical qualifications. My journey began with my first certification as a personal trainer in Germany in 1991 and since then, I haven’t looked back. I gained a range of national and international certifications over the swiftly passing years until 2005.

With a registered massage therapist licensure from Texas under my belt since 2002, I took a leap towards enhancing my understanding of nutrition and overall health by becoming a certified Health Coach in 2015. My relentless pursuit of knowledge saw its peak when I aced my Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Certification, secured an accredited education as a Nutrition Therapist, and completed a self-study program in Peak Performance Coaching, all by 2019.

Throughout these decades of growing and learning, I’ve had the privilege of touching and transforming many lives. For instance, one client, an accomplished entrepreneur, confessed that our session guided them in realizing what to do with the second half of their life. Another time, my interventions enabled a female firefighter, dealing with injuries and health challenges, to endure her demanding job and march towards retirement. My nurturing personality and uplifting attitude have repeatedly inspired clients to remain motivated, shed unwanted weight, and regain their mobility.

Even as I continue my journey in this field, my passion grows every day as I see tangible impacts of my work on the people I serve.”

My Journey

“The seeds of my passion for health and wellness were sown in my early years, watching my mother and grandmother battle health issues for decades. I saw how their lives, marked by pain and depression, were affected, and I was determined to choose a different path. A transformative book I read at 14 further fueled this passion – it chronicled the journeys of women reinventing their lives in their latter years, proving that age is not a barrier to starting anew. These stories inspired me not only to change my own course of life but to share this wisdom with other women.

But this path wasn’t without its own challenges. Ageism and conventional perspectives on health and aging are prevalent, painting a grim picture of helplessness and inevitable decline. Battling these attitudes required a rewiring of my own thought patterns, a posture I hope to encourage in my readers and clients as well. By continuously focusing on envisioning a healthier alternative, I strive to help every woman tap into her potential for joyous and vibrant living, regardless of her age.”

Mission and Vision

“My primary goal is to instill a greater vision in women, boost their confidence, and inspire resolve for a brighter future. I believe that by taking responsibility for our health and lifestyle choices, we all have the power to live our best lives. For some, this means being there for loved ones, maintaining independence, or following lifelong passions. For others, it could involve discovering new interests and enthusiasm as they age.

The guiding values of my practice are respect, non-judgment, and unconditional love for each individual. I see every woman not just as she is now, but for the person she can become.

Ultimately, I envision a vibrant community of empowered women over 50, a space where women can find guidance, tools, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. We may age, but that doesn’t mean we should let go of our dreams, our potential, and our zest for life.”


“Your journey to a healthier, happier future is as unique as you are, and the support you receive should reflect that. My services focus on your individual needs and challenges, providing personalized guidance every step of the way:

Consultations: Not sure about the steps forward? Let our consultation sessions guide you. I’ll help you understand your needs and set coherent, achievable goals. This is the first step in determining whether my services align with your aspirations.

One-on-One Coaching: For women who are ambitious about their wellness goals, this focused, personalized guidance caters uniquely to your challenges. You’ll benefit from dedicated attention, a holistic approach to peak performance, and smart strategies to surmount obstacles. You’ll also have the advantage of flexible scheduling and pace setting, ensuring the coaching fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Last but not least, the privacy of this coaching format allows for open conversation on sensitive topics, ensuring nothing stands between you and your peak health.

Group Coaching: This cost-effective alternative to one-on-one coaching, makes the pursuit of wellness accessible to everyone. Embark on a communal journey to better health, strength, and vitality with our group coaching sessions. Structured over a set duration, each group coaching series follows a comprehensive curriculum addressing key health and wellness areas. Benefit not just from structured modules, but also from interactive sessions, comprehensive resources, and shared accountability.

Supplementation Guidance: Understanding that each body has distinct needs, we delve into finding suitable nutritional supplements for you. Let’s work together on a custom protocol that complements your lifestyle and health objectives.

Online Community & Support: Connect with like-minded women in a vibrant online community. Share your stories, learn from the experiences of others, and glean insights from myself and other health professionals. The community offers a safe, supportive environment where you can openly discuss challenges, celebrate victories and always find a listening ear.

And remember – this is about more than just your health. Peak performance coaching goes beyond the physical, touching all aspects of your life – personal, professional, and everything in between. The foundation of this work is health, but once you’re ready, we can reach even further, helping you clear the path to achieving your highest potential and a life you love.

Ready to get started on your journey to peak performance? Let’s make your golden years truly shine!”

Success Stories

Having struggled with weight and joint pain for years, I wasn’t sure where to turn. Then I started one-on-one coaching with Biggi. Her supportive, holistic approach helped me regain my mobility and drop the pounds. Now, I’m living a life full of vitality and joy. I couldn’t be more grateful!

Jane, 57

Following Biggi’s group coaching program was a turning point for me. The camaraderie and shared accountability were exactly what I needed. I’ve made lifestyle changes I never thought I could and am now enjoying better health than ever before.

Susan, 66

For years, I wished to enjoy my retirement without constantly worrying about my health. After consulting with Biggi Fraley, I feel like I have a clear roadmap to wellness. It’s never too late to start living better – I’m proof of that!

Kathy, 70

Biggi’s peak performance coaching changed my perspective. Now, I not only focus on my physical health but am also achieving personal and professional goals I’d set aside. My golden years are truly my peak years now!

Laura, 64

The custom supplementation guidance provided by Biggi was a game-changer for me. Instead of blindly following generic advice, I now understand how to supplement wisely to support my health. It’s made a world of difference to my energy levels and overall wellbeing!

Emma, 51

I joined Biggi’s online community on a whim and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. It’s so empowering to be in a space where women over 50 celebrate their health and share their journeys. I’ve gained so much more than I expected!

Rachel, 59


“Now that you’ve learned a bit about me, Biggi Fraley, and what I offer, it’s time to make this conversation a two-way street. I would love to hear from you, learn your story, and explore how we can work together to achieve your health and wellness goals. And remember, age is just a number, and it’s never too late to start making decisions that will make you feel fantastic no matter what stage of life you’re in.

Reach out for a consultation, leave a comment, join a group coaching session, or connect with me on social media. You can also sign up for my newsletter to ensure you stay up-to-date on the latest in healthy aging for peak performance and longevity.

You’re not alone on your journey to wellness – you’re part of a vibrant, resilient community, and I can’t wait to welcome you!”
